The VT Boys had a big surprise last weekend, not only did they come over for a sleepover but had dinner at Arbuckles. As usual the weather was not very good, but that did not stop us from having a good time. Mr.Biscuits has been looking forward spending some time with VT Girl No.3 doing all sorts of things like playing with Lego, making videos or better still slow motion ones of falling lego bricks which have been build in a big tower, playing with Play Doh making little men or other nice stuff.
Mr.Garfield was busy playing our latest PS3 Game (Need for Speed the Run) and was trying his very best to complete the game in two days time (But I am afraid he did make it to his horror)
In the evening we had our second surprise having dinner out at Arbuckles near Downham Market, a American style restaurant with lovely food and big portions - and wow they are big. Mr.Biscuits had grilled chicken, spare ribs and chips, Mr.Mac and Mr.Garfield had the Desperate Dan ( Grilled Chicken, 8oz Steak, 8 chicken wings, half a rack of Spare ribs, onion rings, salad and chips. (See pictures below of our lovely dinner)
It was lovely but to much for all of us, nobody was able to eat it all, only Mr.Biscuits and both the VT Girls had space for afters, we honestly believe we did not needed any breakfast the next morning but we did. In the evening we tried to watch the latest Apple Event but the Apple TV was playing up so we watched Top-gear instead.
The next morning we had lots to do - we spend some time making cards, and Mr.Biscuits also made a Apple clock out of a iBook top cover which he took apart last time he came to visit. We all when't to church in the morning because we needed some spiritual inspiration and feel closer to God, we all needed this and after church we felt a lot better. In the late afternoon we had a lovely Chicken roast with all the trimmings and ice cream for afters.
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