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Saturday, 14 December 2013

The VT Boys like playing with new toys

The VT Boys like playing with new toys, that is what they do all the time if that was possible and this weekend was the weekend we be able to. It was a long time ago about 2 years ago we had our own MacBook Pro to play with, that model was a mid 2009 with 2.23Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo processor with a NVidia 9400M graphics card and 500Gb HDD, not a bad laptop from Apple, even for todays standard.
However the new MacBook Pro with Haswell and Iris Graphics card is a whole new ball game, super fast and about twice to processor power as the first generation MacBook Pro Retina. Mr Garfield loved this laptop and playing Real Racing 2 on it with the highest resolution was no problem at all.
Mr.Gadget (his new name) was setting up a new HP Probook 250 for Mr.Mac Senior, he loves doing things like that. He did a really good job, as it only took Mr>mac the following day 30 minutes to do the rest and pass it on to the new owner.
For dinner we had Babi Bangang with rice and the green beans Mr.Garfield likes very much, we also had time to watch a good film and to play with VT Girl No.3. Next time the VT Boys will be working at Mr.Mac work and having a sleep over for three days - lovely.

Saturday, 16 November 2013

The VT Boys had a birthday

The VT Boys ad a birthday it was Mr.Biscuits 12th birthday, and from now on we don't call him Mr.Biscuits anymore - his new name is Mr.Gadget. We had a wonderful time and Mr.Gadget was very happy with his gifts, all to do with camping and making things. He had is favourite meal Chicken in white wine sauce and white rice.
Also Mr.Mac Junior came to visit with his girlfriend to give Mr.Gadget some presents, a nice USB stick, a solar kit for building windmills, dogs and 4 other models and a edge a sketch USB hub - great stuff.

Mr.Garfield was also happy because he was able to play a few new games - but first of all he had to finish Need for Speed the Run, which he did in 15 minutes flat - so he had plenty of time to play Need for Speed Most Wanted.

They also had a sleepover so it was film time in the evenings, we watched The Man of Steel, a great film. On Sunday we had a creative day and still had time to play Junior Monopoly, the game lasted well over two hours and it was a tie between Mr Garfield and Mr Mac.

Friday, 1 November 2013

The VT Boys had a big surprise

The VT Boys had a big surprise last weekend, not only did they come over for a sleepover but had dinner at Arbuckles. As usual the weather was not very good, but that did not stop us from having a good time. Mr.Biscuits has been looking forward spending some time with VT Girl No.3 doing all sorts of things like playing with Lego, making videos or better still slow motion ones of falling lego bricks which have been build in a big tower, playing with Play Doh making little men or other nice stuff.
Mr.Garfield was busy playing our latest PS3 Game (Need for Speed the Run) and was trying his very best to complete the game in two days time (But I am afraid he did make it to his horror)
In the evening we had our second surprise having dinner out at Arbuckles near Downham Market, a American style restaurant with lovely food and big portions - and wow they are big. Mr.Biscuits had grilled chicken, spare ribs and chips, Mr.Mac and Mr.Garfield had the Desperate Dan ( Grilled Chicken, 8oz Steak, 8 chicken wings, half a rack of Spare ribs, onion rings, salad and chips. (See pictures below of our lovely dinner) 
It was lovely but to much for all of us, nobody was able to eat it all, only Mr.Biscuits and both the VT Girls had space for afters, we honestly believe we did not needed any breakfast the next morning but we did. In the evening we tried to watch the latest Apple Event but the Apple TV was playing up so we watched Top-gear instead.

The next morning we had lots to do - we spend some time making cards, and Mr.Biscuits also made a Apple clock out of a iBook top cover which he took apart last time he came to visit. We all when't to church in the morning because we needed some spiritual inspiration and feel closer to God, we all needed this and after church we felt a lot better. In the late afternoon we had a lovely Chicken roast with all the trimmings and ice cream for afters.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

The VT Boys have special news

Today we got some good news - Mr Garfield has a job interview on Friday, all the VT Boys are wishing him good luck for Friday. Don't forget Mr.Garfield you are loved by all of us. Don't worry if you are nervous - it is normal. Regardless if you get the job or now we still very proud of you.

Monday, 14 October 2013

The VT Boys have been learning new tricks

This weekend the VT Boys have been learning new tricks, Mr.Garfield has been busy learning how to setup a new Internet Router (This one a Netgear) which he said was very easy to do and in no time it was setup and connected to the internet.
Mr.Biscuits was playing with the Apple PowerBook G4 15" setting up his own account so he can take it home for 2 weeks and play with it. These machines are 7 years old and still run very well.

Dinner again was cooked by Mr.Garfield, his favorite Lasagna cooked Ala VT Style way, it was perfect just like how Mr.Mac Senior makes it. VT Girl No.3 loves lasagna, she likes it even better when Mr.Garfield makes it. Mr.Mac was lucky because we had some left overs so he had some the following day.

The VT Boys have been setting up a new iMac Ivybridge

The VT Boys have been setting up a new iMac this weekend, this is the second one we have been doing, which is great as we love the new ones. Of course we have been doing a lot else, like helping VT Girl No3 with her home work, specially Mr.Biscuits is very good at that, he loves his little sister and do anything for her. He also promised to give her a early Christmas gift a karaoke machine he never uses anymore.
If there is one thing VT Girl No.3 likes is singing, so she will be well in her element. For lunch we have our favorite toasties with Ham and cheese. 
After lunch Mr.Garfield started to setup the new iMac and he was well happy with that, and now he has learned how to setup Boot camp running Windows 7 64-bit which is super fast.

Mr.Garfield also had time to cook a lovely Chicken in White wine sauce which we all enjoyed very much.
Mr.Biscuits and VT Girl No.3 had lots of fun singing in the Microphones upstairs which was a bit of a training session what is coming up next week.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

The VT Boys are heavy Gamers

The VT Boys are heavy gamers that we all know, we are also very good at it, we play all sorts of games from first person shooters to racing games, one thing we all agree on it that Grid 2 is one of the best racing games you can play, whatever it is on the Mac, PC or Playstation 3 - we love this game, graphics are fantastic, playability is perfect and the sound is in full DTS surround stereo.

We had a very nice weekend as the weather was not that great, so we spend the most of the afternoon playing games and play around with our computers.

For dinner we had fish fingers, mash and beans, but not Mr.Biscuits because he likes sweetcorn the most. Both Mr.Biscuits and Mr Garfield are back to College and School and both enjoy it very much

Next weekend we are going to setup a new mac again and doing something with our cookery skills, we look forward to that.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

The VT Boys uncovered the big secret

The VT Boys have uncovered the big secret of making the perfect lasagne, even 2 nights ago they already had lasagne for tea they did not mind having it this weekend. Later on we tell you how to make it in the perfect VT Boys style way.

This weekend we had a lot to do and new toys to play with a new iMac 27" 2012 ivybridge i5 2.90Ghz and Nvidia GTX660 Graphics and the New HP ProBook 4340s with ivybridge chipset and Intel HD4000 graphics card running on i3 2.50Ghz. Mr.Biscuits loved the new HP laptop which is really just a smaller version of the one we have anyway. This 13.3" laptop runs like a dream and has Windows 7 64-bit on it, it runs the new blockx game in a fantastic way and is really portable.
The new iMac is also fantastic and after installing the Microsoft Blur racing game, you could see way the screen was better then the older Sandybridge iMac. The game was running really fast even it was et on 4x Anti Aliasing and super HD resolution.
Now coming back to the lasagne making, the big secret is letting it rest after making it - lots of cheese between the layers and a little bit of maggie with the meat while frying it. The result is the perfect lasagne VT Boys style way.
Looking forward till next weekend  - and see what we are going to cook.   

Sunday, 18 August 2013

The VT Boys like going Dutch

The VT Boys like going Dutch, as they are half Dutch and half English, what they most like is Dutch food and treats and this weekend we had it all, Mr.Biscuits knew that we had Joode Koeken again, or in English Jewish Biscuits. He was unable to wait before lunch so he had one and he said this is how I remember them to be.

For lunch we had Toasties with Ham and Cheese which we all liked and after lunch Mr Garfield and Mr Biscuits played a game called Bloax on the iPhone and iPad mini together, with this game you can build things a bit like Minecraft.
We also had to strip a old Dell Pentium 4 for parts as the machine did not work anymore due to terminal overheating. This was a job for Mr.Biscuits as Mr Garfield was trying out the new TV with the Playstation 3. He loved it - the games run so much better and the bigger screen really helps.
For dinner we had Babi Pangang with Beans and white rice lovely. Next week Mr Biscuits is going to camp with the scouts and Mr.Garfield has a job interview to go to. Next time when we are all together we are going to try out Babi Ketjap we are looking forward to that.