Last week the VT Boys have been very busy spring cleaning the house, well call it Winter cleaning instead, the first thing we did was clearing all the Apple Macs we have in the house, as they had been taking over the house, we had them everywhere, in the hallway, bedrooms etc. Have have wrapped them carefully up in bubble wrap made a few last pictures of them and put them under the stairs cupboard.
Three generations of iMac from Apple (all G3 from 233Mhz up to 400Mhz) |
The Power Mac G4 450Mhz |
After this we drove to the dump and dumped lots of old stuff again, after all this had work we had some lunch, as we have been shopping before we drove back to Norfolk. Mr.Garfield and Mr.Mac had to complete a few levels on Crash Bandicote for VT Girl number.
The three amigos |
Mr.Biscuits again made some lovely music on Garage Band on the iMac, so we all had a good listen to that, as the boys had a sleep over this weekend we watched some TV, and Mr.Biscuits had his usual Biscuits and milk before going to bed.
Mr Biscuits is a great actor |
The film for the evening was The Book of Eli (on Blu Ray) which in all our eyes is one of Densel Washington's finest films he ever made.
In the morning we all had a early start thanks to VT Girl number 3 - but we don't mind as we have more time to play, after breakfast we had some stuff to do in the house but soon after that we installed a new game called Skyrim, this game is so good it is almost like watching a film when you play the game. After all this gaming it was time to have some dinner, Pasta and Garlic bread and for afters we had Angel Delight.
Next week we are going to be very busy as the time has come to finish of the super duper computer from Mr.Garfield. The Graphics Card and processor have been delivered and they are the last two things to go in the Gaming PC, after connecting all the cables and drives we can start installing Windows 7 64-bit and test the PC out - we can't wait.