Some of the VT Boys are in Holland but not on a holiday, Mac Senior's father and Mac Junior's grand father (Opa) has died. This is very sad and we had to say good-bye to him last Saturday. Both the Mac's had to help clearing up the house and strip the bathroom, kitchen and rooms from flooring etc.
This tasks took us well over 5 days and we gave away lots of stuff, we could not believe how much stuff or father had collected over the nearly 18 years he lived there. We found lots of radios, cigaret lighters, watches, and hundreds of paintings well over 300 of them.
This was his life work - some really good, some really bad. The piece my father was most proud of was the the Night Watch from Rembrandt (he made a copy of the original 50% smaller) it was so big we had no way of moving it in any car or bus. On the funeral one of my dads best friends made speech who was also a art painter, it was so moving, so we gave the painting to him, he was so happy with it and now it is hanging upstairs in his art studio.
One lesson we have learned - you can't take stuff back in to heaven, only yourself, stuff helps you to enhance your life not make you happy (your family can).
Both the Mac's are very tired and need a holiday to recover (or just a cuddle with our wife and girlfriend) We hope we can come back to Holland under better circumstances and have more time to spend with family and friend over there.