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Saturday, 23 March 2013

The VT Boys Are Complete

Last week The VT Boys were all together which doesn't happy that often, not only they had a sleep over for the weekend we also had a surprise phone call from VT Boy No3 (Mr Mac Junior) if it was okay to come for dinner. Luckily we always make plenty of food, so that was no problem at all. For dinner had had planned Babi Bangang with green beans which Mr Garfield really enjoys.

During the day Mr Biscuits had lots of jobs to do, he had to build 2 Hewlett Packard Micro Servers with Windows Small Business Server 2011 - and what a fantastic job he did. On Sunday he rebuild and cleaned a Intel Duo Core eMachines which he took apart, upgraded a few hard drives and installed the original OS back on the computer (Microsoft Vista Home edition)
In the evening we played a few games Dirt 3 with our new Microsoft Wireless Xbox 360 controller. On Sunday we played more games and had Shepard's Pie for lunch which we all very much enjoyed.

Friday, 22 March 2013

The VT Boys have a birthday

The VT Boys had another Birthday to celebrate, as Mr Garfield turns to be 17 years old, the age he can start drive a car, have a part time job and is nearly an adult. It seems not so long ago, that I was changing his nappy and helping him eat beans which he did not like much then, now he loves them anything with tomatoes will do for him.
He turns out to be a fine young man, with lots going for him, he is loved by many people, has lots of friends and like going to college. One of his favorite activities are playing computer games all sorts, from racing to strategic ones and he is very good. Recently he finished the new Lara Croft Tom Raider game in 33 hours flat.
This year it was easy to choose a birthday present for him, because he knew what he wanted, a new super duper gaming mouse, this mouse is fully programmable, it has waits and lots of lights on it. Next time when the VT Boys come, he will bring his ones computer and demonstrate how the mouse works.