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Saturday, 23 April 2011

The VT Boys like to BBQ

Build only by professionals
Today The VT Boys had a first, a BBQ for the first time in Norfolk. As first we had to put together the BBQ and this time we used the manual, and the whole thing was put together in less than 30 minutes. We washed our hands and we prepared the food, we had lovely sausages, steak burgers, Angus Steak and big kebabs with chicken, mushrooms, peppers and charlottes.
Zack making the Kebabs
Look how yummy
We only use the good stuff
Mr.Mac and Mr.Garfield spend time together in the kitchen to make it all and we had great fun, and before you know all was ready for the big event in our house. As a surprise Mr.Mac Junior also joined us, because where there is food you can find him.
Mr.Mac Jr and VT Girl No.2 playing
Around 3:30pm the BBQ was lit and we could not wait to start eating, mean while we played in the garden  and Mr.Mac was keeping a eye on the food. All was absolutely brilliant and in no time all was gone. It was nice to have the whole family together it does not happen that often. I am sure many BBQ's will follow, as we love food and love each other.

Burgers and Sausages

Sunday, 10 April 2011

The VT Boys are Gaming and Building

This weekend the VT Boys have been very busy Gaming and Building, and we had great fun. We sometimes like to stay in the house and do nothing else than playing with bricks, big puzzle matts or play on the various computers we have in the house.
We started to play with our new Apple Product we have in our collection, the eMac first generation 700Mhz with 1Gb SDRAM and 17" flatscreen, lovely. Very quickly we found out that the eMac was unable to playback YouTube videos or any flash enabled video web content, however it was fine with normal DVD videos (DVD Combo was build-in) or 720p HD videos. This eMac was running Leopard 10.5.8 and startup and shutdown was good.
After all of this we had some lunch (Bacon, mushrooms and bread) and quickly VT Girl no.3 was asking us if we could play with the building matts to build a house out of it. (see pictures)

Mr Biscuits was playing Asphalt 6 and was winning almost every race he was playing, while Mr Garfield and Mr Mac senior played on the XBox 360 Project Gotham 4 and raced our favourite track New York in the snow with the Aston Martin DB9.
For tea we had Chicken, potatoes, sweetcorn and pies, of course we had ice cream for afters. After all of this we still had time to play a few more games on the XBox 360 and even VT Girl no.2 also jointed in which was great. We had a nice drive home and VT Boy No.1 showed us his new lights on the car (HID Kit or something)

Sunday, 3 April 2011

The VT Boys had a great time Bowling

Yesterday the VT Boys had a great day out to King's Lynn and we had to do some bowling as it was a long time ago we did it for the last time. Only this time some of the VT Girls where also present. We purchased a Family hour at the Strikes Bowling centre and had lane 11 to our disposal for a whole hour. We setup the players on the computer screen, we looked for some bowling balls and off did we go, we had a great time and both the VT Girls gave the VT Boys a run for their money.
After all this had work we where hungry and Pizza Hut was only a stone throw away, but because it was very busy in King's Lynn we got stuck in the biggest traffic jam of all. After 40 minutes we finally arrived at Pizza Hut and ordered the food. Mr.Garfield and Mr.Biscuits had Margarita Pizza and Mr.Mac a super supreme, VT Girl No.3 had also a Margarita Pizza and VT Lady had a Vegetable Pizza which was very nice, and of course we had Ice Cream Factory for afters.
After the Pizza Hut we had to shop at the Early Learning Centre for jigsaws for VT Girls no.3 and the VT Boys had a quick look at PC World at the new iPad 2, which is much better, faster and lighter than the first one and it has 2 camera's build in for FaceTime calling - wow. We can't wait till we have our hands on this one.
When home we played some games on the computer, but everybody was very tired, never mind hopefully next week we'll have a rest and watch some films.

Saturday, 2 April 2011

The VT Boys did a take two on the Swiss Rolls

Last weekend the VT Boys had to do a take two on the Swiss Rolls, as a few weeks ago all did not go to plan. We had to try it again, and what a result, this time the Swiss Roll was perfect and we all had a piece, not bad for a bunch of amateurs. (see pictures as proof)
We really like cooking and we like it even better when the result and taste is lovely. After our dinner (fish and chips) we had Swiss Roll again for desert.
The VT Boys love each other, like spending time together and look after one and other. Next week hopefully we can go away in the car, and do something nice.