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Monday, 26 December 2011

The VT Boys celebrating Christmas

The VT Boys celebrating Christmas 2011, as always we have a great time and lots to do, the weather has been very mild for December and the VT Boys enjoying their holidays. We are looking forward to Christmas because we are getting some presents. Mr Garfield had some chocolate and an iTunes voucher for purchasing some Applications, Films or some music from Apple App-store. Mr. Biscuits had a professional Computer Engineer repair kit which he really liked.

Over December we did lots of cooking and baking and some of the pictures you can see what we have made over the last mouth. We also have played with lots of computers and upgraded a few. Some of the games we have been playing are amazing like Need for Speed Shift 2, Driver, and the best of all Need for Speed the Run what a game. Mr.Garfield already completed the game on the easy level and next time he is going to try the middle one.

Mr.Biscuits has been very busy this December as he has been away for the weekend with the cubs - scouts, camping overnight close to Wisbech, he was also secondary so he had to take charge sometimes and make sure that all was going well in the camp.

What we also did was made some great home made hamburgers, with home made French fries and chicken shake and bake, and we where surprised that Mr.Mac Junior with his girlfriend also joined us - which was very nice indeed. 

Home made lasagne was also on the menu this December which is Mr.Garfield's favourite meal, and last weekend we had Chicken in White Wine sauce with is Mr.Biscuits one.

I believe 2012 is going to be a good year, as Mr.Garfield is going to finish his computer - a real race monster, the best gaming PC ever he has build.

Monday, 14 November 2011

The VT Boys know how the enjoy themselves

The VT Boys know how the enjoy themselves. We have not one weekend when we don't know what to do, the weather has not helped in this situation, however we have plenty to do.
Last time it was all about building and playing board games and the whole family joined in to have fun. We have lots of games we can choose from. This time we played Pac Man the board game, I don't know if we played by the rules, but we did not care, we had fun and everybody was a winner.
Also the VT Boys found time to play with VT Girl No.3 - we built towers (our favourite) and houses and of course VT Girl likes to throw them over so it makes lots of noise.
Of course we had lots to eat and we always like to cook it ourselves. It was also last weekend Mr.Biscuits birthday and he had lots of money to buy a Nintendo 3DS, so he is very happy and Mr.Mac can't wait to see how it looks and how it works.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

The VT Boys are cooking again

This weekend the VT Boys had a sleep over. We planned in a lot of cooking this weekend as well as playing on the computers, putting a few things on eBay for sale, repairing an old computer and watching a few films we like.

We also had a surprise in store, as we had our car back from repairs. We all agreed the loaner we had for a few weeks was not a very nice car (Red Mini One) so we were very happy to have our own back. For lunch we had Pizza from ASDA and for dinner we had Boerenkool met spek and worst - a Dutch dish we all very much enjoyed. In the evening after VT Girl No.3 was put to bed we watched Rush Hour 3 and Mr.Biscuits was able to watch the film out before going to bed at 22:45.
Mr.Biscuits and Mr.Mac spent a few hours in the kitchen, trying to make Dutch Apple Pie, however things did not go to plan, as the dough was very sticky and too soft to put it in a round baking tin, so we made a smaller one, we also had some dough left over so we made a few cookies out of that.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

The VT Boys always have a good time

This weekend the VT Boys had a little surprise  - very little is the shape of a Red Mini One, as the BMW had to go to the garage for repairs. Last week Mr.Mac Junior and Senior had to go to Holland for a few days, and on our way we hit a small deer. Now the BMW was part of the left bumper missing and the fog light was broken.
This weekend we had lots to do, Mr.Biscuits had to create some forms on the computer, and both Mr.Garfield and Mr.Buscuits had to expand their MineCraft cities. We still had some time to make cheese cake and a lovely Pasta which is Mr.Garfields speciality.

We also enjoyed Chocomelk from Holland, and some Wokkels which is a type of potato chip. In the evening we drove back to Cambridgeshire in the Mini, but one person was very happy, VT Girl No.2 she love mini's as it reminds her of Mr.Bean.
Oh Yes and Mr. Biscuits made this great looking cushion

Sunday, 18 September 2011

The VT Boys have a new brother

VT Boy (Mr.Garfield)
The VT Boys have a new brother, he is 13 weeks old and his name is Louis, he is a Bengal Kitten and loves to be around all of us. But Mr.Biscuits is really happy with him, most of yesterday he has spent playing and cuddling with him.

VT Boy (Mr.Louis)
Also we had to fit in a new screen in his laptop as the one he had got broken. After 30 minutes or so all was fixed and the laptop was as new again. Mr.Garfield only had one thing on his mind to finish Crysis 2, and he did it (it must be a new record to complete the whole game in a little bit more than 30 hours) - wow.

For lunch we had little hotdogs on bread with ketchup - which was very nice. For dinner we had chicken dippers with chips, cakes and lots of other things. Today we have made a start by ordering the parts for Mr.Garfield new computer he is going to build, which hopefully will last him for a few years.
VT Boys (Mr.Biscuits & Mr.Louis)

Sunday, 21 August 2011

The VT Boy had dinner in Mr.Mac Junior flat

A few weeks ago Mr.Mac had dinner at Mr.Mac Juniors new flat which was great. It was nice to see that he made something out of the place and Mr.Mac Junior looks much better and less tired. Also Mr.Mac Junior has a new girlfriend which we met last week, she is very nice and Mr. Mac is very happy.

We ordered an Indian take away from the website, and after 45 minutes dinner was served, also we watched a film and we had lovely coffee and generally we relaxed and talked a lot about none computer stuff which we normally do.

I am very happy and proud he made the big step, of moving away from his old home and starting to make a life of his own. I am so lucky to see him every day, and I know I don't tell him that often but I love him very much.

The VT Boys have no problem taking apart a old Apple iMac

The VT Boys having a discussion
The VT Boys have no problem taking apart old Apple equipment, last weekend we took a old 1999 Apple iMac and done a little upgrade on it. We first had to take it apart and swap over the hard drive from a old 6Gb IDE to 40Gb. Mr Biscuits was very good of unscrewing it and put the new hard drive in.

Mr.Biscuits building a Tower
We then upgraded the operating system from Apple OS 9.2 to OSX 10.3, after 25 minutes the iMac was up and running and connected to the internet and all was working fine. Mr. Garfield however installed the new Crysis 2 on the new iMac and was running in top quality.

Also we have put all of the Sony PS3 stuff on eBay from Mr.Garfield and all was sold in 3 days, putting the New PC build closer to reality for Mr.Garfield, as he wants to build a PC for games and studying.
The weather was very bad again hence we had to stay at home and play with our computers, but we also made some time to play some games with the VT Girls.

For dinner we had Pasta with bacon, which was prepared by VT Girl No.1, the drive back to Cambridgeshire was very nice and we played some new songs of Morad (New Error).

Monday, 1 August 2011

The VT Boys are making lasagne

The weekend the VT Boys have been making lasagne, because this is one our favourite dishes. This week it was Mr.Garfield's turn to make it under the guidance of Mr.Mac Senior. We started with getting by getting everything ready, first was making the sauce, with fresh mince mead, fresh herbs, tomato concentrate, the grate the cheese, and start building the lasagne, it was great and Mr Garfield did a good job.
We also had to rebuild Mr.Biscuits laptop again as it was boot looping every time. We backup the hard drive, re-installed Windows XP Professional service pack 3, everything runs fine now and Mr.Biscuits is going to use his laptop as a minecraft server.

For lunch we had bagels and pizza and we played outside for a bit, we also had to install a few games on the new computer just to see if they are working okay. Dinner was soon around the corner and we could not wait to trey the lasagne. In one word it was lovely and the VT Girls also enjoyed it very much.

Mr.Biscuits was also very busy making his on Garage Band single on the iMac, he made the song all by himself and designed the CD cover in photoshop, burned the single in Toast - wow. Please see a picture of his design below.

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

The VT Boys are good of sorting things out

Last Weekend The VT Boys had to sort out some issues with the newly build computer for Mr.Garfield, the graphics card was not working properly and the drivers had to be re-installed, after 5 minutes it was all done and the computer was back up and running again.
Mr.Biscuits had a small memory upgrade on his laptop and he was able to put it in all by himself. Because this weekend was a bit short of time we started the BBQ early to get the burgers and sausages on because all this work was making us hungry.

The weather was very hot, but we did find some time to play in the garden. The BBQ was a great success and all was gone in no time. The two older VT Girls had a nice walk together, while the other two stayed at home doing other activities. The drive home was lovely, it was light and it was still very warm.
Mr.Garfield had a few exams the week before and he said it was very easy to do them, also Mr.Biscuits won a price in a local news paper competition - he was very proud.

Sunday, 19 June 2011

The VT Boys playing with the new iMac

This weekend the weather was very bad and we had no chance to go out, so we had to stay in again. We have always something to do, because the VT Boys are crazy about computers, specially Apple Macs. We are very lucky if it comes of playing with Apple Macs as we have many in this house, from iPod Touch to 27" Imac with a Intel i7 quad core processor.
Mr.Garfield on the new 27" iMac i7 3.4Ghz with 2Gb AMD 6790m Graphics card and 2Tb SATA 3 drive
Now if it comes to playing games this machine is the best all in one you can have, with a whopping 2Gb ATI 6970m graphics card this is simply the best. Last week when we setup up, we did all sorts of things to make it crash however it did not work.

For lunch we had beacon sandwiches, with brown sauce or ketchup. In the afternoon we had to sort out Mr.Biscuits laptop as the sound was not working on it, which was no problem for Mr.Mac as it was fixed in no time. For Fathers day Mr.Mac received a nice card from all the VT Boys and some chocolates - lovely.

Friday, 3 June 2011

The VT Boys had fun

Mr.Garfield testing out his new computer
Not bad graphics
Last weekend the VT Boys had a sleepover as it was a bank holiday, it was a total surprise for all of us, which was great. We had planned to go to the Animal park however the weather was not that good so we did some indoor activities. We had lots to do as Mr.Garfield's new computer needed testing out. This time Mr.Mac and Mr.Mac Jr. put together a Dual Processor Xeon 2.4Ghz with 4 virtual cores and 4Gb of DDR Ram.
Mr.Biscuits favourite computer the iPad
This machine is't to bad but the graphics card needs a update, over the next few week we are going to have a look for one on Ebay. We had cheese and ham toasties, but in the process of making them the toastie maker broke. In the evening when Mr.Biscuits was in bed Mr.Mac and Mr.Garfield watched IP Man 2, what a great film, this film follows on from the first IP Man film and is even better.

We all had a good night rest, as some of the VT Girls had also a sleepover somewhere else. We all had breakfast in the morning, and it was time to do some jobs around the house. First we had to clear out the rubbish out of the shed and go to the dump. After this Mr.Biscuits and Mr.Mac cleaned out the car (Mr.Biscuits did a great job) and we had the car washed by the turks down the road. On our way back to drop the VT Boys back home we played our favourite music from Supertramp.

Sunday, 22 May 2011

The VT Boys are taking it easy

This weekend the VT Boys have been taking it easy, as Mr.Garfield has broken one finger on his right hand. He was playing softball at school on Wednesday and after he finished he noticed that one of his fingers was swollen and had lots of colours on it. He was very brave about it and now he has to take easy for the next 5 weeks.
This gave us the opportunity to spend some time on the many computers we have, also Mr. Biscuits was allowed back on the computers after a 3 week ban. In the afternoon we had toasties for lunch and Mr.Biscuits was setting up Minecraft on the eMac, which did't run well as we expected never mind.
In the evening we had chicken Kiev's, home made chips which we all liked very much. Hopefully next week the weather is going to be nice so we can pay a visit to the animal park.

Saturday, 23 April 2011

The VT Boys like to BBQ

Build only by professionals
Today The VT Boys had a first, a BBQ for the first time in Norfolk. As first we had to put together the BBQ and this time we used the manual, and the whole thing was put together in less than 30 minutes. We washed our hands and we prepared the food, we had lovely sausages, steak burgers, Angus Steak and big kebabs with chicken, mushrooms, peppers and charlottes.
Zack making the Kebabs
Look how yummy
We only use the good stuff
Mr.Mac and Mr.Garfield spend time together in the kitchen to make it all and we had great fun, and before you know all was ready for the big event in our house. As a surprise Mr.Mac Junior also joined us, because where there is food you can find him.
Mr.Mac Jr and VT Girl No.2 playing
Around 3:30pm the BBQ was lit and we could not wait to start eating, mean while we played in the garden  and Mr.Mac was keeping a eye on the food. All was absolutely brilliant and in no time all was gone. It was nice to have the whole family together it does not happen that often. I am sure many BBQ's will follow, as we love food and love each other.

Burgers and Sausages