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Sunday, 24 January 2010

The VT Boys love cooking and Playing games

Well this weekend The VT Boys had a busy schedule, Saturday morning VT Boy number two had Karting lessons, the last one and he had to do a test which he passed without any mistakes, we had sausages, and beans for lunch, a few games on the Xbox 360, playing with meccano, and for dinner we had Shake And Bake which everybody liked. In the evening we watched Star Trek the movie, which VT Boy number two almost fell a sleep. The next morning we made Fish cakes (see picture below). We also had a quick game on the LAN on Unreal Tournament. After both the VT Boys had a bath we played the Game Of Life, VT Boy number 3 won, he is also a excellent banker. See you in a few weeks again.

Sunday, 17 January 2010

The VT Boys weekends Fun

The VT Boys always having fun in the house, Saturday was a relaxing day. In the evenings we had chicken in white wine sauce and watched a DVD: As Good as it Gets with Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt. Today we starting to make something new, home made Samosa with fresh meat, peppers, garlic, and potatoes. Zack had great fun making them and all but two are left, which we are going to the biggest VT Boy who was not here. Last night on request by Zack we watched Angels and Demons by Dan Brown a very good film.

This afternoon we had a nice walk for a hour, and after coming home one VT Boy is playing with one of the VT Girl, and one is playing on the XBox 360 online with his friends. VTBoys are back next weekend maybe we can think of something new to cook or bake.

Sunday, 3 January 2010

The VT Boys having fun

The VT Boys always having fun, never one day goes without a laughter or a smile. A few weeks ago we have been playing twister, we all joint in even me. It was nice not just to play computer games, but doing something with your hands and feet, even Zack had great fun. We all know he likes to press buttons or holding a joystick, but he is very good if it comes down playing twister or the Game of Life. Uno is a another game he likes to play with Max. Max is very creative he likes to draw, paint or make models with clay, also building computers with old bits or playing with his Mac doing all sort of things with it.